flagchecker (re)

Challenge file

$ ./chal
Enter flag: wgmy
Wrong flag..

Static Analysis

After loading the binary in Ghidra, this is what we get (code cleaned up for better readability):

int main() {

    printf("Enter flag: ");
    i = 0;

    while( true ) {
        len = strlen(input);
        if (len <= i) break;

        for (j = 0; j < 8; j = j + 1) {
            uVar1 = input[i] >> (j & 0x1f) & 1;
            iVar4 = FUN_00101207(i + 1);
            uVar2 = iVar4 >> (j & 0x1f) & 1;
            uVar3 = FUN_001011e9(uVar1, uVar2);
            uVar1 = FUN_001011e9(uVar3, uVar1);
            uVar2 = FUN_001011e9(uVar3, uVar2);
            uVar1 = FUN_001011e9(uVar2, uVar1);
            iVar4 = FUN_001011e9(uVar1, uVar1);
            mutated[i] = mutated[i] | (iVar4 << (j & 0x1f));

        i = i + 1;

    res = strcmp(HARDCODED, mutated);
    if (res == 0) {
        puts("Correct flag!");
    else {
        puts("Wrong flag..");

This main function is not too big, and can be split into 3 parts:

  1. Reading input with scanf
  2. Doing something to the input and saving the changes somewhere else
  3. Comparing the modified input with another string

The most important part is definitely part 2

    while( true ) {
        len = strlen(input);
        if (len <= i) break;

        for (j = 0; j < 8; j = j + 1) {
            // [1]
            uVar1 = input[i] >> (j & 0x1f) & 1;

            // [2]
            iVar4 = FUN_00101207(i + 1);
            uVar2 = iVar4 >> (j & 0x1f) & 1;
            uVar3 = FUN_001011e9(uVar1, uVar2);
            uVar1 = FUN_001011e9(uVar3, uVar1);
            uVar2 = FUN_001011e9(uVar3, uVar2);
            uVar1 = FUN_001011e9(uVar2, uVar1);
            iVar4 = FUN_001011e9(uVar1, uVar1);

            // [3]
            mutated[i] = mutated[i] | (iVar4 << (j & 0x1f));

        i = i + 1;

It loops through each byte in the input, and has a nested loop that:

  • goes through each bit in the current byte
    • input[i] >> (j & 0x1f) & 1 —- // [1]
  • modifies the bit
    • whole series of function calls and assignments —- // [2]
  • and saves it into a buffer,
    • mutated[i] =
  • at the same byte position,
    • mutated[i] = mutated[i] ...
  • and at the same bit position
    • mutated[i] = mutated[i] | (iVar4 << (j & 0x1f)) —- // [3]

Now, to see what happens inside the 2 functions FUN_00101207 and FUN_001011e9 that are called:

int FUN_00101207(int param_1)
    int local_18;
    int local_14;
    int local_10;
    int i;

    local_18 = 0;
    local_14 = 2;
    while( true ) {
        local_10 = 0;
        for (i = 1; i <= local_14; i = i + 1) {
            if (local_14 % i == 0) {
                local_10 = local_10 + 1;
        if ((local_10 == 2) && (local_18 = local_18 + 1, local_18 == param_1)) break;
        local_14 = local_14 + 1;

    return local_14;

On first glance, this function seems to take a number as an argument, and return another number. I’m not in a hurry to know what exactly happens to the argument, so I just keep this in mind.

Next one:

bool FUN_001011e9(uint a, uint b)
  return (a | b) == 0;

This one is easier to understand, just returning whether both of them are 0, i.e. !(a | b) or !a & !b.

In the end, the thing to focus on is these 5 lines of code:

    iVar4 = FUN_00101207(i + 1);
    uVar2 = iVar4 >> (j & 0x1f) & 1;
    uVar3 = FUN_001011e9(uVar1, uVar2);
    uVar1 = FUN_001011e9(uVar3, uVar1);
    uVar2 = FUN_001011e9(uVar3, uVar2);
    uVar1 = FUN_001011e9(uVar2, uVar1);
    iVar4 = FUN_001011e9(uVar1, uVar1);
    mutated[i] = mutated[i] | (iVar4 << (j & 0x1f));

But I didn’t really want to reverse this also. I decided to write a script to find the flag for me. I decided to modify the script I wrote for a challenge I solved some time ago.

Here are the things I know that happens to my input:

  • Each byte goes through a set of operations
  • Each byte’s changes do not rely on the bytes next to it (99% sure)
  • The final result is compared with a hard-coded string (strcmp(HARDCODED, mutated))

And this is the plan (in pseudocode):

flag = ""
for i in range(39):     # because it expects 39 chars from the scanf
    for c in "abcdef" + string.digits + "{}_!@":        # the flag charset
        run program with input = flag + c
        breakpoint at right before strcmp   # because at this point, all chars in input are modified

        if mutated[i] == hardcoded[i]:      # good, we know the flag's char at this position
            flag += c                       # save it
            break                           # now break to try the next position

        else:                               # wrong, we don't know the flag's char at this position yet
            continue                        # try next option in the charset

This is scriptable in GDB. First I make a script that sets a breakpoint right before the strcmp call. This script is in GDB scripting syntax.

# silentbreak
break *0x555555554000+0x142d
silent          # this is to make GDB keep quiet when it reaches this breakpoint

Then, here’s a script written in Python to execute the plan laid out above.

import string

cs = "abcdef" + string.digits + "{}_!@"     # the flag charset
flag = "wgmy"                               # i know the flag starts with this

gdb.execute("gef config context.enable 0")  # to disable the context panel output

for i in range(4, 39):                      # 39 chars expected by scanf
    for c in cs:                            # trying each char in the charset

        # this is one way to supply input to a program running in GDB
        open("in", "w").write(flag + c)
        gdb.execute(f"run < in")

        # read_memory and get_register are GEF functions
        # so GEF must be installed to use them
        # rdi is the hardcoded string
        # rsi is the mutated input
        # read the byte at current offset from each string
        mutated = read_memory(get_register("$rsi") + i, 1)
        hardcoded = read_memory(get_register("$rdi") + i, 1)

        # if correct, yay
        if mutated == hardcoded:
            flag += c
            open("flag.txt", "w").write(flag)
            break       # move on to next byte index

Finally, run the scripts in GDB batch mode: